Minggu, 01 Mei 2011


UJIAN NASIONAL SELESAI! yeahhh bebas banget sekarang rasanya mau jumpalitan juga bisa ga usah mikirin belajar lagi. Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar dan Insya Allah nem kita berempat di atas 38 semua, AMINNN! dan untuk rakhmi selamat berjuang test smansa nya. btw luthfi mau sma manaa? 34 bukan sih?-_- semoga gua sama Atika satu sekaloh lg di 34, sama luthfi juga kalo luthfi pingin 34.

Guys i just wanna say that you guys are too cool!!! I thankful to God because i could be your bestfriend. i know i'm not a good friend for you all but i've tried to be. i'm so sorry for all mistakes that i made. i learned a lot from you. and now, i know that sharing each other in friendship is so important. we have to share our secret, our thoughts and everything that can be shared for. from now, i'll try to be a better person. i'll try to be a better friend for you guys. our experience that we did, our memories that we made, and our dreams that we shared are so unforgettable. there will be a good place in my heart for all of that. i just hope we'll be a bestfriend forever. i know nothing's forever but i wish we can be a bestfriend until we're old. until we've had a granddaughter/grandson. i really hope that. and i appreciate for things that you gave to me and you taught to me. i'll miss you guys. i'll miss the situation that we're joking. we're studying and we're sharing. i wish we still could do that all eventhough we're in a different school. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING GUYS. YOU'RE COOL!!!!!

cukup segitu sepertinya hehehe mohon maaf jika baha inggrisnya terlalu jelek. terimakasih sebelumnya. dadaaaahhh ;D

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